Friday, December 7, 2012

Last Day in Berlin

Me in front of a snowy Berliner Dom 
This quarter has gone by so fast!  It has been snowing all week in Berlin, which I am happy about because I will be going back to a rain-filled Seattle.  I finished all of my final papers on Monday so I have had all week to relax and explore on my own and play in the snow.  Tonight is our farewell dinner and our last meeting as a large group. I have had an amazing time during my 3 months in Berlin and I feel like I have grown a lot as a person. I would seriously encourage anyone to study abroad if they are given the chance because it is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity.  I am excited to be back in Seattle with my family and friends but I am certain that I will never forget my time in Europe. I really hope that I am able to come back to Berlin someday!  I learned so much in Berlin about German history and perspectives that I didn't anticipate.    I fly back to Seattle tomorrow morning and after 12 hours of flying it will be nice to be home.  Thanks to everyone who took the time to read my blog and I hope my experiences were enjoyable to read about!

Auf Wiedersehen!

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